The Better Malaysia Foundation has since November 2019 assembled a “brain trust” of like-minded professionals and worked on launching a new social enterprise programme to help formulate innovative and sustainable solutions to address the affordability gap faced by the low-income households in our community. To address specific needs and a focus on housing Yayasan My First Home was launched on 23 December 2021.
“Owning a house means having a stake in the country. It means that all Malaysians share the responsibility of taking care of the poor and maintaining the nation’s harmony so that everyone can live happily.”
– Tan Sri Vincent Tan

A Study On Affordable Housing Within The Middle Income Households In The Major Cities......

Q1. What is affordable housing?
For housing to be considered affordable, definitions vary across the world. We use the price-to-income ratio or the ‘median-multiple’ developed by United Nations Centre for Human Settlement (UNCHS) and the World Bank under the Housing Indicators Program. It must cost less than 30% of pre-tax income including housing and related costs (mortgage or rent, along with property taxes, home energy, water and repairs). In Malaysia, the Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM) defined affordable housing as the house range RM 250,000 and below. Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) defined affordable housing in 3 ways: a price between RM 150,000 to RM 300,000, built-up area about 900 sq. ft and good connectivity to public transportation hubs.
Q2. Who benefits from a 5-bedroom unit?
Our product offering stands out with space optimization - homes designed for functional needs - space and privacy. Typically, affordable housing designs only have 2 to 3 bedrooms and are not suitable for a large family. Our innovative design of a 5-bedroom apartment unit is adequate to house a relatively large family while still affording sufficient space and privacy for parents and the children. With their own rooms, children will also have a conducive environment to study and do their homework.
Q3. What are the benefits of a dual key concept?
The Dual Key concept allows for one spare room with attached bath to be rented out to bring in additional income to the household. This additional income can be used to pay part of the housing loan or maintenance fees of the apartment. If your elderly parents are staying with the family, the dual key concept also allows for the spare room and bath to be used by your elderly parents with complete privacy and yet they remain close enough so that the other household members can look out for them and take care of their needs.
Q4. Does the Yayasan build homes? Can I purchase a home unit from you?
The Yayasan is not a property developer but we will work with the building industry and partner with developers who support our objective of developing affordable housing to promote our designs and assist first-time house buyers in the application process. You should be registered with the state housing authorities for an affordable housing scheme. We will assist you with the approval process to evaluate what assistance can be provided to improve your credit score for eligibility.
As the project is classified under the ‘affordable housing’ category, you will be subject to and must meet all the relevant criteria and terms and conditions to be eligible under the scheme. Please refer to the local authority’s website – e.g. (LPHS & Ministry of Federal Territories ) for more details.
We will announce our project launches here. You can take part in our survey to register your interest and we will contact you on any new launches.
We will announce our project launches here. You can take part in our survey to register your interest and we will contact you on any new launches.